An outdoor stroll and a Fall Leaf Print craft for kids all-in-one.
What you'll need:
- Fresh moist fall leaves
- Unbleached muslin material (available at any material store and is very inexpensive)
- Scissors
- Glue
- Old newspapers
- Hammer or wooden blocks
- Heavy paper like grocery bag or construction paper
- Grocery sack for leaf retrieval
- Hard work surface
How to make it:
- Take a nice fall walk outside.
- Pick any up leaves that you like. Different colors and shapes make the best designs. I've used red maple, ferns, maple, daisy leaves. Try to stick to leaves, as flower petals do not work very well.
- Use caution not to pick up Poison Ivy, Sumac or Poison Oak or any other poisonous leaves in your area.
- Using scissors cut your muslin material to desired size. I used a 12 inch by 12 inch square, but any size or shape will do.
- Place old newspaper on a hard working surface. This will help to keep the color from "bleeding" through the material and onto the floor, and also to protect the work surface from the hammer.
- Place muslin on prepared hard work surface.
- Place one leaf anywhere on the material.
- Using your hammer or wooden block, bang on the entire leaf. This can get quite noisy depending on your group size, but it wouldn't be fun if it wasn't loud!
- Continue to place one leaf at a time on your material, and hammer each one completely. You can place a new leaf on parts of an old leaf.
- You may have some leaf parts left on the material. Just let them "dry" a little then brush them off.
- When finished with leaf prints, cut heavy paper in a frame design. Remember to cut the inside hole smaller than the actual picture for easier attachment.
- Glue leaf print to back side of paper frame. Be sure to make the brighter side of the print the part you will see.
- Make sure to wash you hands at the end as the color from the leaves may stain little hands.
- Ta DA! A picture worthy of hanging on any wall!
This is a great project for any age. The colors come from the chlorophyll in the leaves.
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