Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Paper Cornucopia

This paper cornucopia craft would make a lovely addition to your Thanksgiving table. Although it looks impressive, it's super-easy to make!

What you'll need:

  • 3 sheets of 12" x 18" art paper or 6 sheets of construction paper
  • Clear tape
  • Brown paper lunch bags
  • Green, brown or black chenille stems
  • Acrylic paint: red, purple, goldenrod, orange
  • Newspaper
  • 1 sheet yellow tissue paper
  • 2 sprigs of plastic fall flowers and plants (wheat, seed pods, etc)
  • Raffia
  • Paintbrush
  • Scissors

How to make it:

  1. Crumple up a piece of newspaper. Open a brown paper bag and put the crumpled newspaper inside. Depending on the size you want your vegetables and fruits, add more crumpled newspaper. To form a ball shape, like an apple or a pumpkin, put the crumpled paper into one corner of the bottom of the bag.
  2. Twist the remainder of the bag to create a stem and wrap a piece of chenille around out to keep it tight. Trim off the excess bag (see image).
  3. To create an eggplant, follow step one above, except to make this shape elongated, add more paper above the existing crumpled paper, and then twist closed.
  4. To create carrots, take any remaining bag that was cut off as excess and roll it up, tape it closed (see image).
  5. Paint your vegetables and fruits, one coat will do and they do not need to be perfect (see image).
  6. While the paint is drying, create your cone. Line of all three pieces of art paper next to each other to create one large piece (36"x18"). If using construction paper, line two pieces up next to each other to create a 12x18 piece. Repeat two more times, then follow instructions above. Tape the seams to seal everything together (see image).
  7. Roll this into a cone shape, making sure to leave an opening large enough for your harvest. Tape closed and trim opening of cone if needed.
  8. Fill cone halfway with raffia (see image).
  9. Place harvest vegetables and fruits into the cone.
  10. Insert floral and wheat sprigs in randomly around your harvest.
  11. Roll up tissue paper and wrap gently around your cone and tie in a knot. Dot some glue on to hold it in place.


  1. We did not glue any of the contents of our cornucopia. However, if you prefer, you can glue your items in using white craft glue, or for a faster solution, an adult can glue them in place.
  2. If you have enough time, you can glue the art paper or construction paper together and allow it to dry. This way you will not have the taped seams.
  3. Ideas for your bounty include: purple eggplant, orange carrots, red apples, orange pumpkins, and yellow squash.

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